Understanding My Audience

🎉 Thank you for being a part of my community for the past 10 months. Your support means a lot to me. As I continue to strive towards delivering valuable and insightful content, I want to learn more about you!

This short survey will help me better understand your preferences and interests. Your responses will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the newsletter.

Your time and insights are highly appreciated. Let's dive in!

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Industry or field of work (i.e. CPG, retail, eCommerce, VC, etc...)
Company or organization name
Is there anything you don't enjoy or find less valuable in the newsletter?
How could I improve the newsletter to better meet your needs?
Are there any related topics or industries you'd like us to cover in the newsletter?
Are you interested in sponsoring or partnering? Let me know! 
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience with Express Checkout?
Want to chat further? Enter your email below
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