3rd Annual Salsa Making Contest
Thank you for taking the time to provide a "made from scratch" salsa for our Latino Student Association/Nighthawks Entertainment Homemade Salsa Contest! This is the sign up form for those that are MAKING A SALSA only!! We ask that you leave your information below so we can contact you with any further questions. Please plan to prepare 15oz+ of salsa in order to provide enough for the students to taste and judge. (We ask for ingredients simply to inform others of allergens, NO RECIPES will be given out)
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By entering your name you understand that you will fulfill your commitment to LSA and Nighthawks Entertainment by showing up to the event and staying for the duration of the event on Thursday, October 17th, 11am-1pm.
You (and/or a partner) will make a salsa from scratch to present to the student body who will be judges for the best salsas entered in the contest. Please provide names, 900 numbers, UNG emails, and reachable phone numbers for you and your partner. 
We understand you would like to keep the recipe a secret in order to save the family name; however we need to confirm whether there are allergens in a certain salsa that will be taste tested by our students. Please list all of the ingredients that you will use to make your salsa. (ie: garlic, jalapenos, avocado oil, paprika)
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