The forum is held within the framework
of the national efforts being exerted for shifting to green economy, supporting climate action, and promoting development partnerships among the
private sector as well as international and regional development institutions to achieve green and sustainable growth and Backing the accomplishments of
Egypt's 2050 strategy, The forum will be held in July 2024 under the theme “Towards a sustainable future... Together, we take the lead in advancing the green economy".
Based on our conviction in the imperative of collaboration among all stakeholders to
realize sustainable development and safeguard the environment for future
generations, as the business community today faces great challenges in
achieving sustainable development. The Sixth Green Economy Forum is an
important opportunity to spotlight on the green investment sectors and provide
innovative financing solutions to meet the needs of green investors. Thus, this
edition of the forum will build bridges of communication between the various
parties concerned with the green economy, from decision makers, investors,
civil society, academics and international organizations, and present plans and