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Are you a graduate or undergraduate student or a lecturer? *
Your discipline/field of study falls under which of the following layers? *
Have you embarked on any research project(s) before? *
Are you lecturing or studying in which of these geo-political zones in Nigeria? *
On the scale of 1 – 5, how easy do academic researchers have access to research materials? *
Are you aware that every academic department in Nigerian tertiary institution publishes one or more research and peer-reviewed journals yearly (in print)? *
Do you think those published research materials are well-accessible to students in Nigeria? *
Are you aware that every academic department in Nigerian universities organizes academic and research conferences yearly? *
Do you think the conference materials are available to all the students in Nigeria? *
Do you think students and academic scholars will be encouraged to carry-out collective and individual research when adequate materials are available? *
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