Help Team #FortWorthFirst Build a People-Inspired Plan
We count on everyday people to help create our people-inspired plan. Tell us what priorities are important to you and your family. We'll use the information you provide as an important resource when creating plans that works for all of us.

Feel free to contact our team at, if you have any questions.

What values are important to you? Check at least 3 or more. Feel free to share more in the other option. *
Is there anything else you'd like to share about the values you selected?
What issues are important to you? Check at least 3 or more. Feel free to share more in the other option. *
In 20 words or less, describe your hopes for Fort Worth. *
In what zip code do you live? *
Thank you for sharing your input. Are you willing to share a little bit about your demographic with us? *
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