Homework: Understanding Phenology with Remote Sensing
This homework includes questions from the lectures for all sessions of this webinar.

To receive a certificate of completion, you must have attended all three live webinar sessions and complete this homework by July 28, 2020. Once you submit the homework, you will receive an email with a copy of your responses.

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1. Changes in phenology can provide valuable information about *
2. Name two drivers of phenology. *
3. The spatial resolution of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is *
4. Which wavelengths are used to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)? *
5. In regions of greater bare ground coverage, which vegetation index may be best to use? *
6. Vegetation indices and the leaf area index (LAI) always display a perfect linear relationship. *
7. Name one difference between the MODIS and VIIRS NDVI product. *
8. The MODIS LAI and fPAR products are available *
9. Visit the WorldView website: https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/. Click on the "Add Layers" button on the left panel. Then click on the "Science Disciplines" tab. Under the "Biosphere" section click on "Gross Primary Productivity". In the map viewer take a look at the GPP globally for the first day of each month for the entire year of 2019. (Tip: you can move quickly from month-to-month using the arrows above and below the date abbreviation along the bottom). Describe the general patterns you observe in no more than 3 short sentences. *
10. The National Phenology network (NPN) *
11. Nature's Notebook can only be used by academic researchers. *
12. Name three observations that can be catalogued using Nature's Notebook. *
13. As of early June 2020, in which portion of the U.S. are the Accumulated Growing Degree Days (AGDD) anomalies positive? *
14. Visit the NPN Visualization Tool here: http://data.usanpn.org/vis-tool/#/. Click on the "Does arrival of White-winged Doves coincide with open flowers on saguaro cacti?" box. In this visualization you can see a peak of Saguaro open flowers and peak arrival of the White-winged Dove. Do there appear to be available Saguaro flowers during the arrival of the White-wigned Dove?  Please explain. *
15. Name two types of automated data collected at NEON sites. *
16. All PhenoCam sites collect imagery with near-infrared wavelengths. *
17. At all PhenoCam sites locations, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center provides subsets of *
18. The Start of Season (SOS) using satellite imagery is identified when the NDVI values display *
19. An inflection point can be defined as: *
20. According to the NPN spring indices, spring leaf out arrived *
21. Which three plant types were used in the NPN green wave modeling *
22. What two vegetation indices were generated using the PhenoCam data in the comparison study? *
23. What are Urban Heat Islands (UHIs)? *
24. What tool or dataset presented during this training are you the most interested in learning more about?   *
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