In order to run the amazing programs and events we do throughout the year, we need volunteers to help!

You can select as much or little as works for your schedule! Any help is greatly appreciated!

Please include your email so we know how to contact you for volunteer opportunities
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Email *
Which of the following PROGRAMS would you be interested in volunteering for?
(These programs run throughout the year. If you select a program, you will be added to that email group to let you know the times that help is needed. You are not required to help at all the times needed - just when it fits in your schedule.)
Which of the following EVENTS would you be interested in volunteering for?  
(some events have multiple committees - such as set up, clean up, or simply taking 1 volunteer shift - if you select that event, we will email you later for which part of the event you want to help with - even volunteering for 1 shift helps us tremendously!!)
If you have any questions or comments you can leave them in the "other" box option.
Fall Festival - This is our biggest event and our only fundraiser for PTA! It takes a lot of volunteers to make it a success. Please sign up to help on one of these committees or volunteer for a shift!
Friday, October 18 5:30-8:30 pm
Are you badged through the CCSD volunteer program? If no, please click the following link for more information and to start the process: 
*A badge is needed if you would like to volunteer during school hours at the school
Any comments or questions you have for us? (please leave your contact info if you need a response)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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