Asbury PTSO Membership Form 2019
The Parent, Teacher, Student Organization was established to organize meaningful community events and useful fundraisers in an effort to enrich the learning experiences oof Asbury students and parents. PTSO members play a critical role in making Asbury an excellent school. The PTSO offers an effective way for parents’ voices to be heard.

When you become a member, you will receive updates about school events, PTSO meeting agendas and minutes, important school news, and volunteer opportunities. Meetings are held the first Tuesday evening of each month. Your attendance at monthly meetings is not required. However, as a paid member, you are able to participate in PTSO’s voting process for decisions that affect our school.

The PTSO also has opportunities to increase your company’s exposure by enrolling as an Asbury PTSO Business Partner or Business Sponsor. If you, or your family and friends would like to explore these options, please contact:

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