Cheque - The Guide Association Derbyshire - Send to Suite 3C, Unicorn Business Park, Wellington Street, Ripley, DE5 3EH
BACS - The Guide Association - Sort Code 30 99 08 A/c Number 22193760 (Quote Ref - CC-AV (unit name)
Amount sent £ (£1.50 per badge plus P&P) P&P for Badges = 1- 30 = £1.00 P&P for Badges 31-70 = £1.50 P&P for Badges 70+ = £3.00 *
Your answer
If you are ordering multiple badges across the different challenges please confirm under which badge order you are paying the P&P (add n/a if not applicable). We will then be able to reflect this and link to your payment once received. *