Determining Diversity
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Define species richness. *
Define species evenness. *
Using each plot's "letter," rank the plots from highest to lowest diversity based on species richness. *
Using each plot's "letter," rank the plots from highest to lowest diversity based on species evenness. *
Using each plot's "letter," rank the plots from highest to lowest diversity based on "H," the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index. *
Explain "H" for Plot A. *
Explain the difference between the H values for Plot B and Plot C. *
Explain the differences between H values for all of the plots with a species richness of 8. *
Explain why some plots with a high species richness have a comparatively low H value. *
Describe what you think the "N (species)" value indicates for each "plot table." Why do you think the "N (species)" values equal "Species Richness" for some tables and not for others? *
Your Google Sheet's URL. Be sure that you share your document with me ( *
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