Accommodations Request Form
Thank you for requesting an accommodation.

One of our 
company values is “Widen the Circle” which guides us to think about ways to design an organization that includes people with a diversity of identities and experiences. We offer accommodations to applicantsbecause we are committed to a hiring process that everyone can participate in.

By submitting this form, you authorize the release of information regarding your disability to LaunchDarkly’s People Operations Team. 
People Operations will facilitate your request for accommodation and begin working with you through an interactive process to determine what options are available.

Your request for accommodation will not impact any hiring decisions. 
We appreciate your interest in LaunchDarkly careers.
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Email *
It's nice to meet you!  Can you tell us your name? *
What about the hiring process will be problematic for you? (e.g., completing the application, communicating during an interview)? *
What limitation is interfering with your ability to participate in the hiring process?
What specific accommodation(s) are you requesting, if known? *
If you are not sure what accommodation is needed, do you have any suggestions about what options we can explore?
Have you had any accommodation(s) in the past for this same limitation? *
If you responded yes above, what were the accommodation(s) and how how did they help you?
Which position did you apply for or are interested in applying for?
What is the best way for a member of the People Operations team to contact you to discuss this request? *
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