Klamath & Lake Counties ACES Presentation Requests
Klamath and Lake Counties have trained Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) Presenters available to provide a FREE ACES Overview to your organization! Please fill our the below! 

Adversity early in life can lead to physical, mental, and behavioral health challenges later in life. Learn about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study, the neurobiology that explains why ACEs have so much effect in people’s lives, and what we can all do to dramatically improve health and resilience for this and future generations  

Expectations for you as a host: 
  • Plan for a 2-hour presentation.
  • Provide the meeting space and any restrooms, refreshments, etc. 
  • Provide A/V capabilities to present a PowerPoint presentation, and any microphone needs for a large group or room. 
  • Do all the advertising and communicating about the training opportunity to your desired audience.
  • Print the provided presentation materials for your attendees (we can sometimes print small amounts for small groups. Please check in advance).
  • Provide a sign-in sheet for all who attend.
  • Distribute an evaluation form paper and link to attendees. 
  • The presentation is FREE!!
Questions? Contact jessie_dubose@soesd.k12.or.us
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Organization Name *
Contact Person Name *
Contact Person Email *
Contact Person Phone Number *
Anticipated number of attendees
Desired day(s) of the week
Desired Time
Do you have a date range you'd like this presentation to happen?
What would you like us to know about the audience? Any other information to provide?
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