Tea Tester Waitlist for Spring House Tea
Tea Tester Perks:
- Reduced pricing on drinks
- Early access on launch date

We'll invite you to the program as space allows to help us refine our recipes and processes!

All questions besides contact info are optional; feel free to answer as many or as few of them as you would like.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your go-to bubble tea order?
How many other people in your group of friends also drink bubble tea?
How often do you get bubble tea?
When you get bubble tea, how much do you usually spend?
Are dairy-free options important to you? If so, what kind of dairy alternatives do you prefer?
Are fruit/fruity flavors important to you? If so, which flavors?
What makes great boba pearls? (e.g. sweetness, texture, firmness, etc) Is this something you wish you could adjust?
Do loyalty/referral programs work for bubble tea? What is a reasonable amount of spend/visits for a free drink?
Have you ever had to convince a friend to try bubble tea? How did that go?
Why do you go to Teapioca over Kung Fu or vice versa, if you go to those places? If not, why do you go to your current bubble tea place?
What makes a good location for a bubble tea shop? What do you think of a location in (a) Spring House Shopping Center or (b) the Butler Ave. corridor in Ambler ("Ambler Main St")? Any other suggestions?
If you could change one thing about the bubble tea landscape in our area, what would it be?
Anything else you don't like about current bubble tea offerings in our area not addressed above? Could be anything from lack of proximity to home to the drinks being too sweet.
No application can meet the needs of every individual. If you think that additional information or material will give us a more thorough impression of you, please include it here.
What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your ZIP code? *
Did a friend tell you about Spring House Tea? If so, who?
Refer friends to move up the waitlist!
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