CTL Workshops To Go Request Form
Workshops To Go is an on-demand offering for departments or programs at Columbia University and its affiliate institutions that wish to host a pedagogical workshop for their faculty.

All workshops present evidence-based practices and are grounded in the science of teaching and learning. Workshops To Go engage faculty in discussions about teaching, and participants should expect to actively work through tailored resources, strategies, and practices that can help them address common challenges in their classrooms.

Department chairs and program directors can select a workshop topic from the list below, which are offered in 30, 60, 75, or 90-minute formats depending on the topic. Please complete a separate request form for each workshop you'd like us to facilitate. This form should take you less than 2 minutes to complete.

Workshops To Go can be facilitated in person, in a hybrid format*, or fully online via Zoom, unless otherwise specified**. 
* For hybrid delivery, the requestor will need to secure a physical space that can accommodate this modality and ensure that remote participants can engage fully in the workshop.
** Teaching with Columbia-supported Tools and Platforms sessions are only fully online via Zoom.

For more information about Workshops To Go and session descriptions, visit https://ctl.columbia.edu/faculty/workshops-to-go/

Workshops To Go is for faculty only. For graduate student programming, please contact CTLgrads@columbia.edu.

If you have questions or would like to discuss a customized workshop that addresses a different teaching topic, please contact CTLfaculty@columbia.edu.
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First name *
Last name *
Campus *
School *
Department *
Which Workshop To Go are you interested in? *
Please complete a separate request form for each workshop you'd like us to facilitate.
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