Tel Qedesh/Qadas Excavations 2023 - Registration Season Dates: July 2 - July 21 2023
Institute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University, in collaboration with Tel Aviv University.

Please fill in this form in order to ensure your participation in the 2023 season at Tel Qedesh.
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Personal Information
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First name *
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Date of Birth *
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Passport Number *
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Nationality *
Health, emergency & insurance
Emergency contact information *
Health insurance *
Statement of health and insurance status *

I hereby state that I have complete health, accident, and personal possessions (theft and damage) insurance, valid in Israel for the duration of my stay on the excavation. My doctor and my insurance program have determined me to be medically fit and capable of meeting the demands of manual work in a hot climate. I am aware that should my declarations be false or misrepresented, I would have no claim for compensation from the Project, its supporting institutions, directors, or staff.

Statement of Conduct


1-By joining this excavation, the participant consents to having their picture taken by the expedition for scientific and promotional purposes.

2-The excavation directors exercise the right to dismiss participants from the excavation for breaching the expedition's rules of conduct or for any other reason deemed justified by the directors.

3-If a participant is dismissed from the excavation for reasons noted in No. 2 above, the balance of their room and board will not be reimbursed.

By checking this box, I confirm that I have read the above Statement of Conduct and agree to these conditions. *

I confirm

Profession & skills
Previous experience in excavations
Please let us know if you are experienced excavator, if you are  qualified for specific archaeological tasks.
Accommodation and Pricing
Our camp will be hosted in one of the agricultural settlements in the Upper Galilee. The rooms are basic 4–6 bed dorms, equipped with toilet and shower.

Excavation Fee is 750$ (250$ per week), covering all costs related to lodging, food and transportation to/from the site during week days.  

Participation is possible only for the entire three-week duration of the excavation season. If for any reason you cannot meet this requirement, please notify us via email: There is a possibility to stay for a fourth week; if you are interested, please contact us directly.

In order to complete the application process, a 100$ deposit should be paid via bank transfer (preferable) or by credit card. The deposit is nonrefundable, and will be reduced from the excavation fee.

The remaining fee will be paid one month prior to the beginning of the excavation season.

To pay the deposit through bank transfer, please transfer a net sum of 100 $ to:

Bank Hapoalim, Branch 690
16 King George St., Jerusalem, Israel
Account no. 100497
IBAN no. IL27-0126-9000-0000-0100-497
Account Name: Israel Exploration Society
Please add: "Tel Qedesh Excavations 2023"

If you wish to pay the deposit through credit card, please be in touch with us:

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