FM弗蕊雅莊園 2024 秋 Animal Night



時間:2024/09/21 Sat. 17:30-22:30,過夜到09/22 Sun. 12:00PM (雨天照常舉行)

早鳥票(07/31前報名)晚間場— 1000元/人,露營過夜— 1000元/人

常規票(08/01後報名~額滿)晚間場— 1100元/人,露營過夜— 1100元/人








September Event

Time: 2024/09/21 Sat. 17:30-22:30, overnight until 09/22 12:00PM (held as usual in rainy weather)

Early Bird Tickets (Registered before 07/31):
- Evening Session: 1000 NT$/person
- Overnight Camping: 1000 NT$/person

Regular Tickets (Registered after 08/01 or until full):
- Evening Session: 1100 NT$/person
- Overnight Camping: 1100 NT$/person

Please refer to the following supplementary information for reward measures. (Up to 200 NT$ discount available)

[Same price for evening session, or overnight camping registration]

Cost does not include: tents, accommodation, dinner, breakfast, supper, drinks, lighting, extension cords

Transportation: Hsinchu Guanxi, notification after successful registration and payment.

The first batch of admission notices will be notified on 08/01

Email *
秋季活動特別主題!Animal Night! Welcome to the Cute & Sexy zoo!

The autumn FM kicks off with the theme " Animal Night."
Bid farewell to the scorching summer days, for brisk autumn is upon us! FM invites you to join the FM Cute & Sexy Zoo.
Don your animal costumes or walk your animals; become a part of the zoo together~

裝扮要求 Dress Code

Costume Requirements: Animal-themed attire, demi-human, beast costume, latex animal suits, furry outfits, tail plugs, animal ears, elves, goblins, dwarves, dogs, cats, horses, foxes, wolves, birds, snakes, meatballs, takoyaki, octopuses, elephants, frogs, bees, and more...
Modern humans do not fall within the scope of this animal theme.

  • 睡衣、普通睡衣、棉褲、牛仔褲、純T恤、普通洋裝、普通背心、迷彩短褲、萬聖節裝扮、運動服、工作服、實驗室實驗袍、醫師袍、標準警察制服、正式軍服、迷彩服

Not Acceptable:

  • pajamas, ordinary pajamas, sweatpants, jeans, plain T-shirts, ordinary dresses , ordinary vests, camouflage shorts , Halloween costumes, sportswear, work suit, Laboratory lab coats, doctor's robes, standard police uniforms, Formal military uniform, camouflage clothing.
活動預計行程 Event Schedule


17:30 開放入場

18:30 搭營最後入場時間,六點半後不開放入場。

19:00 營火點燃儀式、裝扮介紹、個自營帳宣傳

22:30 活動結束,降低音量,洗簌。




Evening Session :

- 17:30: Gates open.
- 18:30: Last entry for setting up camp, no entry after 18:30.
- 19:00: Campfire ignition ceremony, self-introduction. 
- 22:30: Activities conclude, lower volume, tidy up.

Overnight Camping:

- Departure by noon 12:00, the following day.

The gate will be open for entry from 17:30 to 18:30. It will be closed at all other times.

獎勵措施 Reward
  • 報到時:(一人一次活動上限兩點)
  • 攜帶玩樂道具獎勵   一點
  • 分享公用零食、酒水、飲料獎勵   一點。
  • 點數1點=100元,點數限本人使用。限下次報名活動使用。
  • 本活動亦可以使用之前活動的折扣卷。(請在最後有話跟我說的地方備註)
  • When you Check-in : (Maximum of two points per person per event)

  • One point reward for bringing fun toys
  • One point reward for sharing public snacks, alcohol, beverages.

  • 1 point = $100, points are for personal use. Can be used for the next registered event.
  • This event can also use the discount vouchers from previous events.
肚子餓相關 About Hungry

  • 最近的711開車要10分鐘,叫不到外送,熊貓跟Uber eat都沒有。只有開到9點的雜貨店。

  • 關西市區有全聯、家樂福,上山前請先買好糧食、酒水、菸、冰塊。
  • 歡迎準備食物來開火煮飯,可能會是你很好交朋友的方式~
  • 喝酒不要開車,喝酒不要開車,喝酒不要開車。喝了酒後,肚子餓或菸抽完都不可以開車。
  • The nearest 711 is a 10-minute car ride away, delivery is not available, and neither Panda nor Uber eat are available. There's only a grocery store that's open until 9.
  • In Guanxi town, there are PX Mart and Carrefour. Please buy food, drinks, cigarettes, and ice cubes before going up the mountain.
  • You're welcome to prepare food for cooking, it might be a good way to make friends~
  • Don't drink and drive, Don't drink and drive, Don't drink and drive. After drinking, don't drive if you're hungry or have finished smoking.
過夜相關 Overnight Related
  • 露營過夜不額外收費,但請自備帳篷、睡墊、睡袋、燈具、延長線等露營設備。如果沒有裝備,可以google「露營裝備租借」。你出發/路過的鄉鎮市一定都有店家可以租借。
  • 如果不會搭帳篷可以現場求救大神幫忙,一定會有朋朋願意幫忙一起搭的,不用擔心。
  • 假如你沒有帳篷,什麼都沒有,但是想要過夜。請找到好朋友收留你。請注意安全,不要讓自己結冰。
  • 如果你是屬於不睡覺,或是睡車上就好的人也歡迎,但回程請注意行車安全。
  • 室內空間、住宿僅開放VIP使用。

  • There is no additional charge for camping overnight, but please bring your own tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, lamp, extension cord, and other camping equipment. If you don't have equipment, you can google "Camping Equipment Rental." There will definitely be stores where you can rent equipment in the town you're departing from/passing through.
  • If you don't know how to set up a tent, you can ask for help on-site, and there will definitely be friends willing to help, so don't worry.
  • If you don't have a tent, or anything else, but want to stay overnight, please find a good friend to save you. Please pay attention to safety and avoid getting too cold.
  • If you're the type to not sleep or to just sleep in the car, you're also welcome, but please be careful while driving home.
  • Indoor space and accommodation are only open for VIP usage.
攜帶東西相關  Related to Things to Bring
  • 活動現場有泳池,如果不怕冷的可以玩水,接受穿泳衣/防寒衣下水,記得帶毛巾
  • 為了確保活動品質,請每組至少攜帶一張野餐墊、一支手電筒
  • 響應環保請攜帶自己的杯子,不要帶一串紙杯或拋棄式杯子來,盡量不要帶會破的杯子
  • There is a swimming pool at the event venue. If you are not afraid of the cold, you can play in the water. If you are okay with wearing a swimsuit/thermal wear in the water, remember to bring a towel.
  • To ensure the quality of the event, please bring at least one picnic mat and one flashlight per group.
  • In response to environmental protection, please bring your own cup. Don't bring a string of paper cups or disposable cups. Try not to bring a cup that will break.
交通相關 Transportation
  • 建議朋友相約一起共乘前往。
  • 台北到關西可搭乘1820、1821、1820A到關西市區。
  • 計程車從從關西市區到莊園約300-400元左右。可以找朋友一起分攤。(錄取通知信會提供計程車電話)

  • It's recommended to carpool with friends.
  • You can take buses 1820, 1821, or 1820A from Taipei to Guanxi downtown.
  • The taxi fare from Guanxi downtown to FM is about $300-400 . You can share the cost with friends. (The acceptance letter will provide the taxi's phone number)








  1. 所有的互動和接觸,不論對象是男性、女性或任何性別,都必須獲得明確的同意。在觸碰他人前,請務必詢問。任何形式的粗魯行為都不會被容忍,並可能導致被驅逐出活動,甚至禁止參加未來的活動。
  2. 絕對不允許任何形式的不受歡迎、不適當或未經請求的觸碰,除非事先得到明確、口頭的同意。如果你不確定,一定要先詢問。 "不"就是不。 "也許"也是不。沉默也是不。只有清晰明確的"是"才是同意。如果有人詢問,回答"不,謝謝"並轉身離開並不可恥。所有參與者都應該理解並欣然接受一個"不"的語句或暗示。如果有人給出了"不",請立即轉身離開。同意也可以在任何時候撤銷,即使之前已經給出了同意。
  3. 看到人們在調情和做色色的事情?那是他們之間的事,因為他們首先獲得了對方的同意。絕不要假設你被邀請進入任何人的個人或身體空間,或者你可以參與他人之間的同意,除非你直接詢問並獲得肯定的答覆。
  4. 全面禁止攝影、錄影及錄音,如有攝錄需求,請洽工作人員。更禁止未經同意私自發布未經允許拍攝之內容。
  5. 請詳閱活動須知,並遵守規範,如有違規行為將視情況要求離場,甚至列入黑名單。
  6. 禁止攜帶法規明確禁止持有物品進入,如槍、砲、毒品、大麻。現場禁止金錢交易。
  7. 禁止打架鬥毆。DID可以。互動過程中如有受傷請自負責任,與場地無關。
  8. 如果你發現有人在明確給出"不"或"不感興趣"的信號後繼續做不被受歡迎的事情,或者如果有人不遵守基本的公共禮節同意規則,或是進行未被允許的拍攝行為,請立即通知工作人員。


  1. Must be 18 years old or above.
  2. Must be in good physical and mental health and capable of self-discipline.
  3. Must be able to abide by the venue rules.
  4. Space is limited, filling in the form does not represent successful registration, we will conduct manual review, and those who meet the qualifications will be notified. Those who are not successful in registration will not be notified separately.
  5. We do not accept unregistered attendees to enter the venue temporarily.


  1. Consent is mandatory during all interactions and at all times for men, women and all genders. Ask before you touch. Poor behaviour of any kind is not tolerated and will result in ejection from the event and a possible ban from future events.
  2. Absolutely no unwanted, inappropriate or unasked for touching of any kind is permitted without prior, clear and verbal consent given. If you are unsure, ALWAYS ask first. No means no. Maybe means no. Silence means no. Only a clear concise YES means yes. If someone is asking, there is never any shame in saying 'no thanks' and moving on. All attendees are expected to be aware of and graciously accept a 'NO' statement or vibe. If one is given, move on. Consent can also be revoked at any time, even if a yes was previously given.
  3. See people getting flirty & dirty? That's between them, and because they got consent with each other first. Never assume you are invited into anyone's personal or physical space, or that consent between other people includes you, without directly asking for and getting a yes first.
  4. Completely forbid photography, filming, and recording. If you have recording needs, please contact the staff. It is even more forbidden to release content that has been filmed without permission.
  5. Please read the event information carefully and abide by the regulations. Those who violate the rules will be asked to leave the venue depending on the situation, or even be blacklisted.
  6. It is forbidden to bring items that are explicitly prohibited by law, such as guns, cannons, drugs, marijuana. Money transactions are forbidden at the venue.
  7. Fighting is forbidden. DID is allowed. If you get hurt during the interaction, you are responsible for it and it has nothing to do with the venue.
  8. If there are ANY issues (which are extremely rare), if you detect any unwelcome attention being given after clear NO or NOT INTERESTED signals have been given, or if anyone is not following basic common courtesy consent rules, or is conducting unauthorized filming, please alert team staff immediately.
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