Vargas Volunteer Interest Form 2024
We can’t do it without the help of parents like you!

Volunteering with the PTA is a great way to make friends, build your skills/experience, and help us make our school a better place.

Here are some of the needs we have for the 2024-2025 school year. Please check any jobs that you might be interested in, and we’ll follow up later to visit with you more about it.

Thanks for your willingness to help us out! Please contact Kim ( or Sukie ( with any questions.
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Your name *
Email address and/or mobile number (whichever is best for contacting you)
Grade(s) of your students at Vargas this school year
Check any jobs for which you've got talent, time, or interest

Do you have any special skills or interests (for example, photography, DJ, crafts, etc) that you would like to share with the school?

Do you own or work for a business that would be interested in working with/sponsoring our school? Please provide contact info for business. 
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