Request for HPC / HPDA / AI Services
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EuroCC@Greece, the Greek National Competence Center for High-Performance Computing, High-Performance Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence, is giving access to HPC resources for a limited amount of scientific projects from the industrial and governmental sectors.

If you are a company or an academic department or a research institution, or a public organization and you have a project where you need more computing power than usual, for:

   ● a complicated simulation with multiple parameters,

   ● or data analysis,

   ● or a machine learning algorithm with millions of data points, 

we can help you to take advantage of a European Supercomputing Infrastructure and the relevant expertise for free.

In order to do this, please explain to us the kind of projects you might have, your level of familiarization with supercomputers, and the type of services (consulting, training, infrastructure access, co-development of computer codes) you might need from our high-level support team, by submitting this form.

We will review your requests within 15 days and notify you of the outcome. For any clarifications or support needed, please contact

The obligations of the accepted applications include the respect of the GDPR Policy and EUROCC Mapping Privacy Statement (see below), the terms of use of computing infrastructure (if requested), and the publication of a report presenting the results of the project acknowledging the contribution of EuroCC@Greece. 

Company Name / Governmental Organisation
Domain of Application (e.g. Machine Learning, Computational Mechanics, Climate Modelling, etc.) *
Type of Applicant Organisation *
European / Other Project Concerned
Principal Investigator
Please provide name and contact details (e-mail, telephone) of project leader
Support requested
Description of the Proposed Project

Please describe the proposed project. 

Business and Scientific Goals of the Project

Please describe the proposed goals. 

Computer Codes / Software that you will use for the Project

Please describe the code / software. 

By providing personal details, you accept the above GDPR Policy and Privacy Statement.
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