Education Policy Program Application
AFT/BTU Education Policy Program Fellows:

     - Engage with state and local ed policy makers
     - Learn how to advocate for our students and our profession
     - Join a national network of educators advocating for the policies we need
     - Conduct action research on policies affecting educators of color
     - Present findings and policy recommendations to policymakers and colleagues

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Contact Information
Name *
First and Last
Which of the following best describes you?
Check all that apply.
Mailing Address *
Cell Phone *
Non-BPS Email *
Years of Experience in Education *
Describe Experience in Education.
Current School or Program *
Professional Role *
(e.g., subject, grade-level, etc.)
What was your preparation for becoming an educator? *
How have you continued your professional development? *
Are you a member of any professional organizations? *
Program Commitments
Please indicate your intent to fulfill the following commitments:

I will be available by email on a regular basis.

I will attend 8 Saturday meetings and the May Showcase event: 

Oct. 5,

Nov. 2,

Dec. 7,

Jan. 11,

Feb. 1,

Mar. 1,

Mar. 29,

May 3

Presentations at Membership Meeting on Wednesday, May 14th

I will complete and be prepared to discuss the assigned readings related to education policymaking.

I will participate in conducting research on a policy issue that is important to me and my students.

I will present my research and complete a two-page research summary.

I will take at least one action to promote my policy issue and share my learning (e.g. testify at school committee, lead a workshop, lead an initiative, advocate with a policymaker etc.)

I affirm that I will do my best to fulfill each of the commitments above.  I understand that if I am unable to complete the program, I will not be eligible to receive the $1500 stipend:
Clear selection
Education Policy Interests
What area of education policy are you interested in researching and learning more about?  Why is it important to you, and what do you think should be done? (up to 200 words) *
Think about an issue that is important to you. Something that impacts, you, your students, or your school.   
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