Troy Dream Center Serving Application
This application to serve is for anyone wanting to serve within the Troy Dream Center. Completing this form does not guarantee you being able to serve within the Troy Dream Center. This however is the first step in the process of serving at the Troy Dream Center.  Please complete the whole application and someone from the Troy Dream Center will contact you soon. Thank you!
*The Troy Dream Center has a nicotine free policy at our facilities* 
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Email *
Phone number *
Best time to call *
Name *
First Name
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Gender  *
Do you attend church regularly?   *
Where is your church home? *
Which position(s) are you interested in? *
Availability *
Would you be willing to allow the Troy Dream Center to do a background check? *
Will you be willing to submit to drug testing? *
Are you in Recovery or have Addiction in your past? *
If so tell us about your addiction and what you're doing to maintain your recovery?
Tell us the reason(s) why you would like to serve in the Troy Dream Center? *
Reference or Referral *
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