Precision Diagnosis and Tolerance Induction in Children with Immediate-Type Wheat Allergy

第一階段 精準診斷小麥過敏(診斷)
針對 1-17 歲,並有攝入小麥/麩質後四小時內出現過敏反應史
** 受試者需到訪沙田威爾斯親王醫院進行過敏測試,包括抽取血液進行過敏血液測試、皮膚點刺測試、雙盲對照口服激發測試 DBPCFC(需分兩天進行)

第二階段 小麥口服免疫治療(脫敏)
經小麥口服激發測試證實對小麥過敏的 3-17 歲受試者
** 受試者將被安排進行為期12個月的小麥口服脫敏治療(低劑量或標準劑量),並在治療結束後進行兩次跟進到診

有意參加的人士請填妥以下資料,我們會盡快聯絡您。 ** 注意:完成此問卷並不代表您/您的孩子已完成招募程序。研究人員將稍後聯絡您作跟進。

如有任何疑問,可致電/WhatsApp 9313-8589,電郵至 allergycuhk@gmail.com 向我們查詢。
CUHK Paediatrics is now conducting a clinical trial study of "Precision Diagnosis and Tolerance Induction in Children with Immediate-Type Wheat Allergy".

The research will be conducted in two stages:
STAGE 1  Precision Diagnosis of Wheat Allergy (Diagnosis)
For individuals aged 1-17 with a history of allergic reactions within four hours after consuming wheat/gluten
**Subjects are required to visit Prince of Wales Hospital for allergy diagnostic tests, including blood sampling for allergy blood test, skin prick test, and double-blind placebo-controlled oral food challenge (DBPCFC)(to be conducted over two days)

Phase 2  Wheat Oral Immunotherapy (OIT)
For 3-17 year-old subjects who are confirmed to be allergic to wheat through wheat DBPCFC
**The subjects will be scheduled to receive wheat oral immunotherapy for a period of 12 months (low dose or standard dose), and will undergo two follow-up visits after the treatment is completed

Please complete the form below if you are interested. You will be contacted soon.   ** Completing this questionnaire does not mean that you / your child has completed the recruitment process. The research staff will contact you later for follow-up.

If you have any questions, please contact/ WhatsApp 9313-8589, or email to allergycuhk@gmail.com.
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本人對這項研究有興趣,並同意研究人員使用以下個人資料作日後聯絡及跟進之用。  I am interested in this study and agree that the researcher will use the following personal data for future contact and follow-up. *
孩子 (參加者) 的姓名  Full name of child (participant) *
孩子 (參加者) 的性別  Gender of child (participant) *
孩子 (參加者) 的出生日期  Date of birth of child (participant) *
孩子 (參加者) 的年齡  Age of child (participant) *
您孩子 (參加者) 是否曾進食 小麥 後出現過敏反應?   Has your child (participant) ever had allergic reaction after eating Wheat?
您孩子 (參加者) 曾對 小麥 產生什麼不良反應?(請選擇所有曾出現過的症狀,可選多於一項)   What kinds of allergic reaction has your child (participant) ever had to Wheat in the past? (please select all the symptoms that have occurred, and select more than one if appropriate)
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