Fall 2022 Mentorship Program
This form is to become a mentor or a mentee in the RMIS Mentorship Program for the Fall of 2022. Please note that by submitting this application, you are agreeing to actively participate in the RMIS Mentorship Program. You do not have to attend every mentorship event. However, you are agreeing to act in a professional manner, take initiative, and be respectful of time commitments. Signing up to be a part of the Mentorship Program will be on a rolling deadline.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
Would you like to be a mentor or a mentee? *
Select your mentorship preference *
Year in School *
Major *
List any hobbies or interests *
Are there any specific topics you would like to discuss with your mentor / mentee? *
If you have a preference for a mentor or mentee, please list their name below. *
If you have any ideas for mentorship socials, please list them here! (i.e. cookie decorating, trivia, etc.)                 
Anything else you want us to know? Please note if you have a time preference for events here!                               
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