The Hazara Achievement Award 2020
- Form Submission Deadline: October 10, 2020
- Read entire Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) before filling this application
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- Submit your CV/Resume and Supporting Documents to:
- Misinformation is grounds for disqualification

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Eligibility Requirements
The Hazara Achievement Award is open to all current and former residents of 'Alamdar Road' and Hazara Town enclaves in Quetta city (including those who only works in these two enclaves) regardless of their current residency location, nationality, religious affiliation, gender, color, or ethnic origin.

Tell Us About Yourself
Carefully fill in this form. Do not skip any question asked. Write "NA" If not applicable to you.

Full Name *
Father/Guardian Name *
Gender *
Ethnicity *
Eligible Non-Hazara residents are encouraged to apply. See FAQ for details. If 'Other', please write ethnicity.
Contact Phone *
Mobile or home phone number
Contact WhatsApp *
If outside Pakistan, provide full area code to dial from Pakistan. Write "NA" If do not have WhatsApp number.
Contact Email *
Current Address *
House number, street, city, province or state, country
City and Country of Birth *
Example: Quetta, Pakistan
Current Nationality *
Example: Pakistan
Residency Proof for Former Residents
Choose 'Current Resident' if you or your family currently live in two Quetta localities.
What is your Residency Status? *
Primary / Middle / High School Information *
Write "NA" if you are Current Resident. Former Residents please provide following for verification: School name, address, year of passing, school contact name and phone number OR names and phone numbers of two current residents that can attest your residency status.
Award You Are Applying for *
Read FAQ carefully before answering questions.
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