Join the Team Internet Text Team
Volunteers on the texting team use a few different tools to reach a large number of people through one-on-one conversations. We use Relay -- a web-based peer-to-peer texting tool that doesn't use your phone or number -- to have conversations with other Net Neutrality advocates. We also use Slack -- a free and easy way to communicate as a group -- to stay in touch with each other on the Text Team.

There are a few steps to get set up and oriented to the Text Team. All of them are below.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Step 1: Watch this short video intro to Relay here *
Step 2: Read the Team Internet Texting Guide here *
Step 3: Review the Team Internet volunteer agreements here *
Step 4: Sign up for a Team Internet Slack account and join the #text_techs channel here (Don't forget to download the Slack desktop or phone app!) *
Step 5: Sign up for Relay here *
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Last Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Slack username *
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