EA Donation
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What is your EA Account Username? *
Exclusive Access Sign in "Name"
What is your Email Address? *
Most active email
What is your phone number?
to get ahold of.
What are you donating for? (Also, why?) *
Why are you donating for the option(s) up above? *
Reason for donation
How will you pay us? *
Through what?
If using "PayPal" enter your ID.
So we may know who you are.
If using any other method please enter a way we will know it's from you.
Such as a certain message you added with the sent money/id/#
If you have not submitted the money yet, go ahead and submit money to PayPal ID: ItsCViper@gmail.com *
If you are done, click done. If not, go ahead and do what is said above ^.
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