Collaborative on Child Homelessness - Illinois (COCHI) Membership Application
Please provide the following information in order to apply to become a member of the Collaborative on Child Homelessness - Illinois (COCHI)
COCHI Organization and Individual Member Eligibility
• The general membership shall consist of organizations and individual members whose interests align with the mission and vision of the Collaborative and complete a membership application, which is approved by the COCHI leadership team.
• COCHI membership is free.
Role of COCHI Members
• The general membership makes recommendations to the leadership, identifies needs and opportunities for COCHI’s target population, proposes policy agenda items, provides input on the action agenda, supports alignment, participates in tactics and strategies, provides subject matter expertise, and participates in volunteer ad hoc subject matter committees, if available
• Supports the implementation of the Collaborative priorities and goals
• Assists with recommending new members
• Completes membership surveys regarding priorities and/or implementation of progress of action plan activities and goals
• Attends quarterly meetings to share ideas and recommendations, and if unable to attend, makes efforts to have an alternate representative attend meetings