MSE for STEM Research Registration

We are a team from UP Department of Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (DMMME) of the University of the Philippines Diliman. We have developed an Educational Guide on Materials Science and Engineering in STEM Research Projects as part of our extension services addressing the Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality education.

This educational guide is a self-paced course designed for teachers who are handling research subjects and topics for STEM track to better equip them in guiding projects that are related to Materials Science and Engineering. As an overview of the content, you may access the syllabus through

After competing this registration form, we will enroll you in UP's learning management system, the University Virtual Learning Environment (UVLé), where you can access the modules. Please give us at least a week to enroll you to the course. 
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This email address will be used to enroll you in UVLé to access the course. 
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By checking "I Understand", you confirm that you understood that the materials you will access through the course are covered by the Philippine Copyright 2022  by the University of the Philippines. The University does not authorize you to reproduce or communicate this material. Any reproduction and/or communication of the material by you, may be subject to copyright infringement and the copyright owners have the right to take legal action against such infringement. *
By checking "I Agree", you certify that the information provided is true and correct. The information collected will remain private and confidential in compliance to RA 10173 or Data Privacy Act of 2012. The data gathered from this survey will be used only for the evaluation of the facility, staff, and service provided. *
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