5 Steps to U.S. Study - Sesión Informativa en inglés (Barcelona)
Interested in studying at a university in the U.S? Join this session to learn about what steps to take!

American Space- Biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias–Can Fabra
24 Carrer del Segre, Barcelona, 08030

1 de febrero de 2023 

During this information session, we'll take about the following topics related to U.S. Study:

  • Why study in the U.S.?
  • About the higher education system
  • How to choose the right university for you
  • Ways to finance your studies
  • Elements of the application process
  • Student visas
  • Pre-departure preparation
  • Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
    Nombre y Apellidos *
    Correo Electrónico *
    Comunidad Autónoma *
    Objetivo en EE.UU.
    ¿Qué cursas actualmente? *
    Centro educativo o universidad de procedencia
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