Policy Associate opportunity for Social Sciences & Humanities researchers: linking energy research to policy
Energy-SHIFTS is a Horizon 2020 project that feeds energy-related Social Sciences & Humanities (energy-SSH) insights into EU energy policy. We offer access to current energy policy dilemmas and the chance to become part of a close-knit network of researchers bridging the policy-research gap. Are you interested in working together with an energy policy worker on their key policy problem? Then do not hesitate to apply to be an Energy-SHIFTS Policy Associate!

How to apply? The deadline to apply is Thursday 9 January 2020, 24:00h CEST.

Queries on the application process should be sent to geus@drift.eur.nl.

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Basic information
Please fill out the questions below before continuing to the section about your background and motivation.
First name *
Surname *
E-mail address *
Job title *
Department and Research institution *
Country *
Select the country your research institution is based in. This must be an EU or Horizon 2020 eligible country.
SSH discipline(s) *
Please pick two or three disciplines you feel are closest to your work.
Research interests – in particular those related to energy *
Max. 5 key words / phrases. Max 170 characters.
Are you a current PhD researcher? *
If you are not a current PhD researcher, how many years of full time research experience do you have since gaining your PhD?
Personal webpage URL *
Ideally a page which lists your publications. If you do not have a web profile which lists your publications, can you please include references to 1 or 2 papers instead?
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