Reserve Childcare for 9/9/24 PTO Meeting
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Adult Name
Child #1 Name
Child #1 Age
Child #2 Name
Child #2 Age
Child #3 Name
Child #3 Age
Child #4 Name
Child #4 Age
Number to reach you in case of emergency during meeting
Emergency Contact Name/Number (adult not attending PTO meeting)
I acknowledge that I will be attending the PTO meeting at OPM and will remain on-site throughout the time that my child(ren) are in the provided childcare.
I understand that childcare is being provided by volunteers from Okemos HS. This is not a licensed daycare and the volunteers providing care may be under 18. Children will be with at least 2 HS volunteers at all time. I will not hold OPM or any entity related to OPS liable.
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