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AR (Augmented Reality) as a Community Building Tool in Gaming
115 responses
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I agree to participate in the research paper entitled "Utilisation of AR in the gaming industry as a community building tool" undertaken by the student from Geneva Business School named: Nojus Mugenis. By concurring beneath, I recognize that: I have consented to participate in this investigation, I have been educated regarding and comprehend the reason for this examination, I see how the information gathered will be utilized, and that any classified data will be seen simply by the specialists and won't be uncovered to any other individual. Subtleties identifying with anonimity and privacy have been clarified and I comprehend these. With full information on all previous, I concur, willingly, to partake in this investigation.
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Do you consider yourself a gamer?
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What gaming platform(s) do you utilize?
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How long do you play per week?
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Have you encountered AR in video-games?
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What type of AR have you utilized?
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Which of these AR games have you played?
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Do you believe video-games can implement AR for community building?
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Would you partake in AR gaming if it was affordable and easy to use?
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How can AR help gaming communities?
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How important is innovation in the gaming industry?
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What are the main limitations of AR?
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Do you see yourself playing a game with a social implementation of AR, such as VR Chat?
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What can businesses (not exclusive to the gaming industry) learn from the AR integration in video-games?
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