Insomniac Events Quantitative Survey
Hello! Thank you for taking this survey. The purpose of the survey is to better aid me along in my senior Capstone project which is about Insomniac Events, EDM music and the festival culture. Please answer honestly and offer any insightful pieces on any open-ended questions.

Your information stays anonymous and the data will be used only for this class. Thank you again for your participation!
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By checking the "I consent" option, you consent to your data to be used in a Senior Capstone class. This survey is completely anonymous, so please answer honestly. *
How old are you? *
What gender do you identify as? *
Where do you live? (Provide your state if you're in the USA -- if you're overseas provide country). *
What is the farthest (in miles) that you traveled for a show? *
What motivates you to attend festivals? *
How many Insomniac Events have you attended? (Overall). *
Which Insomniac Event have you attended the most? *
What other festivals/events have you attended outside of Insomniac's? *
Please rate the following statement on a scale of 1-5, where 1 = very unlikely and 5 = very likely: If a local venue near me has shows with performers that are also in a lineup at a festival, I am more likely to attend multiple shows locally than travel to a multi-day festival *
Very unlikely
Very likely
Do you know what the Insomniac Passport is? *
If answered yes above, would you invest in an Insomniac Passport if given the opportunity?
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Rate the cleanliness of Insomniac events you've attended. *
Rate the quality of the Insomniac app. *
What improvements would you like to see in the Insomniac app to create a better experience? *
Select what you find as an important factor in attending a festival.
What improvements would you like to see at future festivals? *
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