Staff/Builder Application
For Endless Frontier, I'll send you the I.P.  and Port if you're accepted.
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What is your Forum Account Username? *
What is your main In Game Username? *
Would you like to build? *
Are you able to deal with players, even the worst of them, while staying calm and rational when doing so?
Do you have any experience? (Don't worry, it doesn't matter much.) *
Do you promise to follow the rules, and if you don't you fully understand the consequences? *
You're on the server hosting a public event/party for everyone. Tons of people are on, but someone starts cursing incessantly to troll the players. What do you do? *
You're playing on the server, and there's a player spawnkilling someone for items, the player getting spawnkilled is seriously angry and begins to be quite rude. How do you defuse the situation? (Spawnkilling is against the rules) *
There's a player in the frontier going around killing everybody, the people who get killed are pretty mad about it. What do you do? *
You get on the server and go past the welcome screen, when you do this, you see someone duping a ton of items. It looks like they've been doing it for a while. What do you do? (This is an economy server) *
You see an admin abusing their power and banning players for being mean to them, you can't ban them as a mod, what do you do? *
If you build something but it needs to be torn down later, will you help tear it down? *
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