Register for the Winter 2025 Prompt Hour
The prompt hour is a generative writing workshop hosted by me, Nova Ren Suma. Here's what to expect in this workshop:

The Winter 2025 Prompt Hour will take place live in Zoom on:

Sunday, January 26, starting at 8:30pm Eastern

It will likely be an hour and fifteen minutes, but please forgive me for using a more succinct title!

This is a pressure-free generative workshop and a creative space to write together. If you’ve taken generative workshops with me previously, the prompts will be ones I haven’t shared in classes before. If you want to attend, just have an active Writer Membership on my newsletter by January 26, and you'll have a free invite. If you don't have a membership, there is an alternative way to pay!

Alternative way to pay: If you'd like to attend but would prefer to pay in Venmo, just Venmo @NovaRenSuma $5. You will get a month-long Writer Membership subscription to my newsletter for January 2025, which includes an invite to the January 26 workshop.

These generative workshops will not be recorded, in order to be in the moment and make the experience private and intimate for those who attend.

Questions? Just email

Please register below if you would like the Zoom link! (You do not have to commit to attending.)

The Zoom link will be emailed to you, and a reminder email will be sent out the morning of the workshop.
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Name *
Please confirm your attendance. (There is no need to officially RSVP or email me ahead of time, but this will help me have a sense if we have enough interest to run this workshop!)
Please confirm you have an active Writer Membership subscription or paid via Venmo.
If you paid $5 in Venmo, what is your username there?
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