2019 Houston Youth Voters Conference RSVP
The 2nd annual Houston Youth Voters Conference will take place on Friday, October 4th from 3-8pm at the University of Houston--Downtown. There will be a variety of speakers and activities to inform and engage young Houstonians on the important topic of youth civic engagement and voter mobilization. Our ultimate goal is for conference attendees to leave feeling empowered and motivated to make a difference in their community and on their campus by encouraging their peers to vote in the November 2019 elections and beyond.

We're excited to see you there!

If you plan on driving to the event, you can find information on parking here: https://www.uhd.edu/about/parking/Pages/parking-visitorparking.aspx

Note to political candidates: We appreciate your interest in this conference, but campaigning at the event is strictly prohibited. This is a non-partisan event. You are still welcome to attend, but we ask that you respect the non-campaigning rule.
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Name *
Email *
Affiliation *
Will you be able to attend the entire conference from 3-8pm? *
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
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Why are you interested in attending this conference? *
Are you a member of your school's Student Government Association? (such as an officer or an elected or appointed position) *
Are you registered to vote in a county in the Houston metro area? *
Have you voted in previous elections?
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Do you plan on voting in the November 2019 elections? *
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