Volunteer Sign-up
Are you interested in getting more involved with Democrats Abroad British Columbia Mainland? We'd love to hear from you as we plan our next steps.
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Email *
What is your name? *
Are you a member of Democrats Abroad? *
Are you a US Citizen? *
Where in British Columbia are you located? *
What areas are you interested in helping out with? *
Have you previously volunteered with Democrats Abroad? *
If yes, in what capacity?
Are you interested in a leadership position with Democrats Abroad?
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How many hours per month could you commit to volunteering for Democrats Abroad?
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Do you have any special skills that you think would benefit Democrats Abroad (including French or Spanish fluency)? Or have anything specific you'd like us to know?
When it comes to interacting with others you prefer:
What would you say best describes your working style?
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Is there anything specific you'd like us to know?
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