Your feedback (Ecotourisme Corse Orientale)
We thank you for your visit and we sincerely hope that you enjoyed your time with us. Eastern Corsica is a commitment to "Natura è Scontri"! A land of nature, a land of encounter.

Leave us a little word to testify, that will allow us to improve our approach ;)
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How did you discover East Corsica? *
At what time of the year did you visit this territory? *
How long did you stay in East Corsica?
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How long in Corsica?
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Which site(s) have you visited in Eastern Corsica? *
What did you experience?
Specify the name(s) of the host organisation :
Does an establishment's commitment to ecotourism influence your final decision?
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If you have stayed with one of our members of the Eastern Corsica Ecotourism Network, did you feel concerned to participate in this local initiative? *
Tell us why :
Do you have any suggestions for improving our practices in terms of nature and culture preservation/enhancement ? *
You are :
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What is your age range?
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You are travelling :
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