Free Discovery Session Inquiry Form
WELCOME to Klein Physical Therapy! Most people end up here because they're in pain, need more control, or just want their body to work the way it used to (we know how difficult life can be when our bodies just won't cooperate. or when they've been injured from sports, activities, or even childbirth).

We also know that starting physical therapy is an INVESTMENT and you want to know whether we can help and if you'll enjoy seeing us on a regular basis. Long story short... are we a good fit for you? Let's find out!

In this free DISCOVERY SESSION, we are offering 30 minutes of our time to see if we are the right fit for each other and to see if PT might be able to help you feel like yourself again. We will discuss whatever is ailing you and what treatment likely would entail should you decide to move forward with physical therapy.

Given that both of our time is valuable (when you think about it, it's all we really have in this world!), these sessions are limited in scope and availability.

DISCOVERY SESSIONS are offered at a first-come, first serve basis, and please be sure not to expect to leave completely healed in this 30-minute time frame.

If you are SERIOUS about  your health and healing, please take 30 seconds to fill out this form so that we can get to know you as much as possible ahead of your session so that we can make the best use of our time together. HURRY! We won't be offering these for long.

* PLEASE NOTE:  We truly are not able to officially diagnose conditions in this brief session, nor is there treatment given. We may discuss hypotheticals, but this Discovery Meeting is meant to see if you connect with the physical therapist and determine if PT would be right for you. 
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First Name *
Why Are You Considering Physical Therapy? *
Please check all that apply to you!
Where Does it Hurt? *
How is it Affecting Your Life? *
What Would Be Ideal if We Could Help You? *
What would life be like if you could improve your condition?
Phone *
Best Email *
What Days of the Week are Better for You? *
Do You Prefer Mornings or Afternoons? *
Although we are out of network with insurance, it is helpful to know what insurance you have: *
Oh and real quick... how did you hear about us? (thank you!) *
Click Submit Below and a Member of Our Team Will Be With You Shortly! Thank You!
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