Drop the Charges! July 10th Arraignment Rally RSVP
On June 29th, three UAW members at UC San Diego were arrested, charged with felonies, and held in jail overnight — all for allegedly chalking a building and writing in washable markers on the windows to protest UC's refusal to fairly implement our union contracts. UC is trying to back out of the promises they made in our contracts, and they can't see any way out of their obligations other than intimidating our coworkers. These arrests are an attack on our fundamental rights to free speech and collective union activity, and workers on every campus are fighting back.

We'll be rallying at 12 pm at the San Diego Central Courthouse (1100 Union street) before the arraignment to demand that the charges are dropped and tell UC we can't be intimidated.

To learn more about this incident, read this exclusive KPBS reporting or this article by UAW 2865 president Rafael Jaime, and sign the petition demanding UC drop these spurious charges.
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Please let us know if you have any access needs and we will do our best to accommodate them.
Are you interested in giving a statement at the arraignment attesting to the good character of any of the arrestees?
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