Tai Tokerau Literacy Association - Membership
We encourage you to register to gain the added benefits of being part of the TTLA and the NZLA. being a member will give you discounted rates on events, conferences and make the Forum available to you.

For further information contact:
Glenice Andrews, Treasurer TTLA
Phone 027 369 3346 or 09 432 0213 and leave a message or call after hours
E-mail: gleniceandrews@gmail.com

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Email Address *
Address *
School/Organisation *
Type of Membership *
Payment by... *
Please send membership application and cheque to Glenice Andrews, Treasurer TTLA, 1A Shoemaker Road, Waipu 0510 or pay directly to bank a/c 123099 0462216 00 and post membership application to the above address or scan and email membership application to gleniceandrews@xtra.co.nz
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