APSD Sub-regional Workshops on SDGs, Human Rights and Civic Space in Asia :                                
- Southeast Asia on 5-6 Sept. (Mon.-Tues) 2022     
- South Asia on 7-8 Sept. (Wed. & Thur.) 2022  (changed from 1-2 Sept.)                                     
- Central and North Asia on 13-14 Sept. (Tues.-Wed.) 2022  with English-Russian-Mongolian translation                                                                    
- Time: 12:00-16:00 Bangkok Time, GMT+7 (4 hours) for 2 days for all 3 sub-regional workshops                                                       
- The Program details with the names of the speakers will be sent to those who have registered in advance.        - Please note that the dates for South Asia have been changed to 7-8 Sept. from 1-2 Sept.
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1. Which Sub-regional workshop(s) you would like to attend?  Time for all workshops are same; 12:00-16:00 PM (GMT+7), 4 hours for 2 days.  *
2. Country (of nationality or residence) 
3. Name  *
4. Organization  *
5. Comments, Suggestions and Questions to the Presenters 
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