River Run Farmshare Survey 2020
Thank you for participating in our Farmshare this season! We are so thankful to have your support and would love to know more of your thoughts.

Please take five minutes and fill out this quick, anonymous survey so we can continue to improve what we're offering to the 'farm-ily'!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How did you find out about our farmshare?
How would you rate the quality of the produce in your share?
Not satisfied
Very satisfied
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How would you rate the diversity of vegetables available in your share?
Not much diversity
Very diverse
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Feel free to share with us additional thoughts on produce quality (including vegetable size) and/or diversity:
How often did you customize your share or make swaps?
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How often did you buy add ons (flour, kraut, nuts, dry beans, etc.)?
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Mark any of the boxes describing your experience using customization features on Harvie
How essential is the ability to customize shares to your farmshare experience?
I prefer to let the farm decide all my vegetables each week
I would not join a farmshare without a customization option
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Did you think that your share was good value for money?
Not a good value
Very good value
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Feel free to share any comments on value of the farmshare:
How was your experience communicating with us about your farmshare?
Difficult to communicate
Easy to communicate, appropriate response time
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If applicable, how was your experience communicating with the Harvie support team
Difficult to communicate
Easy to communicate, quick responses
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Feel free to share additional comments on our communication:
Overall, how would you rate your experience using the Harvie platform?
Confusing to navigate, experienced glitches
Easy to navigate, loved using the software
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Please share any additional comments on your experience using Harvie as a farmshare member:
Which pick-up location did you pick up your share from?
If applicable, how would you rate your experience picking up your share from a host site?
Not convenient/ Difficult
Very convenient/ Easy
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If applicable, how would you rate your experience receiving a home delivery?
Not convenient/ Difficult
Very convenient/ Easy
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Feel free to share additional comments about your experience picking up your share or receiving a home delivery
What were your top 5 produce items you received in your share?
What were your least favorite items from your shares?
What aspect of the farmshare could have been better?
If it was offered, what additional items/qualities would you be interested in receiving in your share?
Would you consider participating in our CSA again?
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If you would not consider participating in the CSA again, please tell us why
Thank you for taking the time to help us improve the CSA  farmshare experience!
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