NFNZ Certificate in Fertility Education and Reproductive Health 2024 - Application Form
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Email *
Full name: *
Address: *
Phone no: *
Our Clinical supervisor would like to call you as a part of this application, what times do you prefer to be contacted? *
Mobile no: *
Present Occupation: *
1) Explain what attracts you to training as a Fertility Educator *
2) Explain in a few sentences your understanding of natural family planning methods *
3) What do you understand the role of a Fertility Educator to be? *
4) On completion of the course, how do you plan to use this qualification? *
5) What skills, work and life experience do you bring to this training? *
6) List any formal qualifications you have *
7) List any ongoing education courses you have attended in the last three years not included in question 6 above *
8) All of this course is taught through distance learning requiring a 10-20 hour commitment per week.  How will you manage this type of learning? *
9) Clinical assessments will be made through self, peer, group and trainer assessments. Have you had any experience in peer or group assessment and how do you feel about this? *
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