Our Clinical supervisor would like to call you as a part of this application, what times do you prefer to be contacted? *
Mobile no: *
Your answer
Present Occupation: *
Your answer
1) Explain what attracts you to training as a Fertility Educator *
Your answer
2) Explain in a few sentences your understanding of natural family planning methods *
Your answer
3) What do you understand the role of a Fertility Educator to be? *
Your answer
4) On completion of the course, how do you plan to use this qualification? *
Your answer
5) What skills, work and life experience do you bring to this training? *
Your answer
6) List any formal qualifications you have *
Your answer
7) List any ongoing education courses you have attended in the last three years not included in question 6 above *
Your answer
8) All of this course is taught through distance learning requiring a 10-20 hour commitment per week. How will you manage this type of learning? *
Your answer
9) Clinical assessments will be made through self, peer, group and trainer assessments. Have you had any experience in peer or group assessment and how do you feel about this? *