TAGNW Mentorship Application Form
Thank you for your interest in the TAGNW Mentorship program.

By applying for TAGNW Mentorship you agree to the TAGNW Mentorship Requirements and Guidelines as described on the TAGNW Mentorship program web page.

The information you provide in your application is used for matching and contact by the TAGNW Membership Committee. Thorough answers will allow for better mentorship partner matching, so please be descriptive!

While participation in the TAGNW Mentorship program is not guaranteed, we will do everything possible to provide a mentorship partner for qualifying applicants. Thank you for your interest. We look forward to your participation.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Gan, TAGNW Executive Director, at director@tagnw.org , 360-499-2099, or at the TAGNW Community Hub (Discord) at @Michael Gan.
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Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Current Home City *
Discord ID
LinkedIn Account Link
Participation Interests *
Please select any of your interests! We will match participants based on shared personal and professional interests.
What are your mentorship goals? *
What are you looking for in a mentorship partner? *
Have you ever participated in a mentoring program before? If yes, what was your role? How was your experience? *
What are your personal hobbies and interests? *
What are your professional interests? *
Anything else that you'd like to share?
Current Employer
Current Job Position
Previous Employer
Previous Job Position
Professional Certification(s)
Professional Affiliation(s)
Any other relevant professional experiences?
Associate Degree School
Associate Degree Program
Bachelors Degree School
Bachelors Degree Program
Other School(s)
Other Program(s)
Academic Certification(s)
Academic Affiliation(s)
Any other relevant educational experiences?
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