【Petition聯署】foodpanda, respect the couriers! 外賣員被毆打 公司須交代 改善分單問題 制止職員濫權
【Petition: foodpanda, respect the couriers!】

We are furious that, one foodpanda courier was beaten up by the Pandamart's staff in Sham Shui Po on 20th May. This incident reveals long-lasting problems, such as intransparent order split rules, Pandamart staff's abuse of power and misbehavior.

We should not be treated unfairly, and we require that foodpanda take these measures:
1. Report to the public about details of the incident, fire the staff involved, and apologize publicly.
2. Pandamart staff must treat couriers respectfully and friendly.
3. Set reasonable order-splitting criteria to avoid risks and overburden.
4. Clarify the power of Pandamart staff, and prevent the abuse of power.

Action: Collectively submit the petition to the company and ask for a meeting

May 27 (Friday) 4 pm
TST foodpanda Riders Hub

【外賣員被毆打  公司必須交代
改善分單問題  制止pandamart職員濫權】
1. 公開交代pandamart職員毆打外賣員事件始末,解僱涉事職員及公開道歉。
2. 訂立並公佈合理的分單準則(重量及袋數),以確保外賣員不會因運送超重訂單而過度辛勞,發生意外。
3. 清楚界定並公佈pandamart職員的權限(分單、暫停更分等),防止濫權。
4. pandamart職員須以友善、尊重的態度對待外賣員。

行動:遞交聯署,要求會面(5月27日4pm 尖沙咀辦公室)

【Darkhwast: Foodpanda, delivery walo ki izzat karo.】

5 mahina k 20 tareeh ko ek pandamart k worker ne delivery rider ko mara or zulm kiya sham shui po may. Hum sub ko insaaf k sath treatment chaiye or hum chata hy k foodpanda waly ab insaaf de, un ko yeh sub karna chaiye

1. us pandamart waly ko kam se nikal do or usse bolo k sub k samna maafi b mangy
2. pandamart k staff ko izzat k sath pesh ana chai ye delivery riders k sat
3. ek aam order-split karna ka asool hona chai ye
4. pandamart walo ko samajaya jai k woh kya kar sakta hy or kya nai taky ainda k baad aisa hatsa na ho

Amal: hum sub ko mil kar ab yeh darkhwast foodpanda tak ponchana hy taky meeting ho saky is k bary may

5 Mahina k 27 tareeh ko, 4 bajy
Tsim Sha Tsui Foodpanda riders hub k bahr sub ana

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