Neighborhood Funding Priorities Survey
***Please fill out this survey to help the City of Albuquerque create goals and priorities for how it should spend $6 million in Pocket of Poverty neighborhoods.***

The City of Albuquerque is preparing an update to the Housing and Neighborhood Economic Development Fund (HNEDF) Plan.  The plan guides spending for housing, employment, business support, and education projects in Albuquerque neighborhoods designated by the City in the 1980s as the Pocket of Poverty to dedicate special funding.  As a part of this effort, here is a short survey for residents and businesses to share their opinions and experiences regarding local challenges in housing, business, employment and education.  

Your participation is vital to our effort to provide an accurate understanding of conditions within your neighborhood. The City will collect your responses and draw from your insights to develop the set of priorities for the upcoming 2022 funding plan, which will frame how the City will spend HNEDF funds over the next ten years.

For more information on this project how you can participate, please visit:

The results of this survey will be compiled anonymously; neither your name or any other identification information will be linked to your answers.

Note that we have included a set of optional demographic questions at the end to ensure we are obtaining feedback from a diverse set of residents, workers, business operators and other neighborhood stakeholders.

Feel free to answer some or all of the questions in the survey depending on topic area interest and available time. Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey.
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Pocket of Poverty Boundaries and Neighborhoods
1a. In which neighborhood within the planning area do you reside, work, or conduct business?
1b. For how long have you lived, worked or studied in the neighborhood(s) you identified above?
2. What is your connection to the area? (feel free to choose more than one option)
3a. What type of affordable, quality housing do you need in your community? (feel free to choose more than one option)
3b. What concerns you about housing in your neighborhood?
Highly Concerned
Moderately Concerned
Not Concerned
Not Sure
Housing affordability
Housing the unhoused
Costs of maintaining older homes
Utility costs
Vacant housing
Down payment assistance
Crime and security
Weeds and litter
Clear selection
3c. Do you have any other concerns about housing in your neighborhood? (Optional)
4a. What types of jobs do you or other residents need in your neighborhood? (Optional)
4b. What's most important to you regarding new jobs in your neighborhood?
5a. What concerns do you have about local businesses in your neighborhood?
Highly Concerned
Moderately Concerned
Not Concerned
Not Sure
Keeping businesses in the area
Business growth
Need for more shopping/services
Access to small business loans
Crime and security
Weeds and litter
Clear selection
5b. Do you have any other concerns about businesses in your neighborhood? (Optional)
6a. What types of retail and community services would you like to see in your neighborhood?
6b. Please list any specific types of goods and services you would to like to see (or see more of) in your neighborhood. (Optional)
7a. What concerns do you have about education and training in your neighborhood?
Highly Concerned
Moderately Concerned
Not Concerned
Not Sure
Access to preschool
Access to daycare
Reading skills
Access to after-school programming
Transportation to schools/programming
Access to job training
College access
College affordability
Clear selection
7b. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your concerns about education and training? (Optional)
8. By level of priority, please rank which eligible areas of focus should receive the most funding from the HNEDF fund.
High Priority
Medium Priority
Low Priority
No Priority
Business support
Clear selection
9. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your neighborhood? (Optional)
10a. How do you identify in terms of your race/ethnicity? (Optional)
10b. How do you identify in terms of gender? (Optional)
10c. What is your current annual household income? (Optional)
Clear selection
10d. What is your current housing status? (Optional)
Clear selection
11.  Would you like to be added to an email address or phone list to be contacted with information regarding upcoming meetings and events related to this effort? Please provide your name, email address or phone number.  Your information will not be used for any other purpose. (Optional)
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