Central University Research Ethics Committee (CUREC) Approval Reference: SOGE1A2020-189
Project Name: Personal air pollution exposure assessment using smart sensing technologies

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Please type your unique reference number (URN as eight digits) for this survey *
For example, '01102001'
1. I confirm that I have read and understood the Information Sheet. I have had the opportunity to consider the information and ask questions which have had these answered to my satisfaction. *
2. I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes explained to me in the Information Sheet. I understand that such information will be handled in accordance with the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (2018). *
3. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, and without any adverse consequences or academic penalty. *
4. I understand that research data collected during the study may be looked at by authorised people who have been invited as research partner in this project. I give permission for these individuals to access my data. *
5. I understand that this project has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and Environment Departmental Research Ethics Committee. *
6. I understand who will have access to personal data provided, how the data will be stored and what will happen to the data at the end of the project. *
7. I understand how this research will be written up and published. *
8. I understand how to raise a concern or make a complaint. *
9. I understand that I will carry a smartphone with apps to communicate with a portable air pollution monitoring device and keep it running in the background. *
10. I understand that I will carry a GPS tracker and a portable air pollution monitoring device during the entire day. *
11. I understand that I will complete an online diary for each day for which data are collected. *
12. I agree to take part in the above study. *
Name of Participants *
Name of person taking consent *
Please type Won Do Lee or Kayla Schulte who attending this pre-meeting
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