Parent Volunteer Form for the 2018-2019 School Year
If you are interested in volunteering at Tucker Middle School, please fill out the form and someone will contact you. You must have a child in attendance to be a volunteer.
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1. What is your child's name? *
2. What grade is your child in? *
3. What is your full name? *
4. Can you volunteer during the school day? *
5. Can you volunteer after school? *
6. Choose the day(s) of the week that you ARE available to volunteer DURING the school day. *
7. Choose the day(s) of the week that you ARE available to volunteer AFTER school.
8. Which extra-curricular activities do you anticipate that your child will be involved in? Choose all that apply. It is not an issue if your child ends up not being involved or becoming involved later in the activity(s). It is just a place to start if we are scheduling an event where volunteers are needed. *
9. If marked "Other" on question 8, please tell us what activity you may be interested in. More than one activity is appropriate.
10. Please enter a phone number where you can be reached. *
11. Please enter an email address so that we can contact you. *
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