Lion's Code Cyber Camp Registration - Virtual
July 17-20, 2023; 9:00am - 3:00pm

Southeastern Louisiana University’s College of Science and Technology, through the Department of Computer Science, is pleased to sponsor The Lion’s Code Cyber Camp. This 100% online summer computer camp is a four-day, fun-filled action-packed event specially designed for students in grades 8 - 12. No prior coding knowledge or extensive experience with computers is needed. For those students with more developed skills, they should register, too, in order to explore advanced computing and to grow their personal knowledge and skill base. This is a rare opportunity for students to work directly with Southeastern’s cutting-edge computer science faculty and professional IT staff.

Each Lion's Code participant, herein "Camper," is required to fill out the necessary fields below.
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Email *
Confirm Camp Dates *
Confirm Delivery Modality *
This is the registration form for the virtual delivery of the Lion’s Code Cyber Camp. If you wish to register for in-person delivery, please use the form located here:
Terms and Conditions
Southeastern does not provide hardware or other accessories needed to participate in the camp. Campers must provide their own computer and related accessories. ALL campers must meet the following minimum equipment/environment standards:    
• All programs/software required for camp installed and run once.    
• Webcam, microphone, and speakers or headphones set up and connected.    
• Quiet space.    
• Nothing inappropriate in the background.    
• Stable internet connection.    
• Screen/display name must be the campers first and last name. Inappropriate names will result in immediate removal.    
ALL campers agree to the following:    
• Consent to being recorded during camp hours.    
• Remote viewing and control of camper computer if necessary.    
• Consent to image being used for promotional materials, etc. (Individuals may opt out by request.)    
• Southeastern is not responsible for any damage to personal property that occurs from camper misuse or poor setup.    
• Southeastern is not responsible for any problems that occur pertaining to camp setup and installation of software from 3rd party sites.    
• No non-camp programs or browser windows may be run on the computer during camp time.    
• Campers may not use their phones or other devices during camp time, except during scheduled breaks or in the case of an emergency.    
• No contacting other campers in ways inaccessible to the instructor (e.g., private chat).    
• No recording camp sessions or any camp materials provided.    
• No inappropriate or violent images in video capture (e.g., posters or TVs in the background, camper shirts, campers must be appropriately clothed at all times).    
• No inappropriate language from the camper or background noises such as music.    
• Campers must be respectful towards their instructors and other campers. Stay quiet while the instructor is speaking. No bullying of any kind.    
• Campers may not request or gain access to other campers’ computers.    
• Campers must share their screen upon instructor request.    
• No sharing of session login links or passwords.    
• Campers must keep their webcams on at all times, except when given specific instructor permission.    
• Campers must keep their computers on and signed in to the session during camp hours (they may turn off their webcams and microphones during breaks).    
• Campers must be at their computers and visible at all times except during breaks.
Terms and Conditions Acknowledgement by Parent/Legal Guardian *
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