Amrita Virtual Labs Workshop - Student Survey
Dear Friends,

We want to thank you for participating in the Virtual Labs workshop. We would like to request a few minutes of your time to take this detailed survey to allow us use this information in enhancing the experience of using virtual labs for other faculties and students.


The Virtual Labs Team
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Email *
Full Name *
Age *
Gender *
Institute Name *
Department *
Year of join *
Please rate your agreement with the following statements *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Using Virtual Labs will improve the quality of my studies.
Virtual Labs will make it easier to do my studies
Virtual Labs provides higher level of engagement in my studies.
Virtual Labs helps me remember the concepts better.
I prefer to use Physical Labs before using Virtual Labs.
Overall, I would find using Virtual Labs to be advantageous in my studies.
Please rate your agreement with the following statements *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Using Virtual Labs will fit into my study style.
I think that using Virtual Labs will fit well with the way I like to study.
Virtual Labs requires more of my study time.
Please rate your agreement with the following statements *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
My interaction with Virtual Labs is clear and understandable.
Using Virtual Labs will require a lot of training.
I believe that it is easy to get Virtual Labs to do what I want it to do
Overall, I believe that Virtual Labs will be easy for me.
Please rate your agreement with the following statements *
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I have seen what others do using Virtual Labs.
It is easy for me to observe others using Virtual Labs.
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